
A traceability and sustainability data capture and management platform co-designed with some of Australia’s leading grain producers and supply chain partners. The platform includes everything from spray event capture to harvest event capture, storage events, outturns, pest management and inventory control, all on a unique per-batch basis. We also work with supply chain partners to share data up the chain and streamline data for use in sustainability reporting.
A traceability and sustainability data capture and management platform co-designed with some of Australia’s leading red meat producers and processors. The platform allows for data captured on-farms and sharing between producers and processors, such as withholding periods and other sustainability information. Included in this is a digital supply agreement.


A traceability and sustainability data capture and management platform co-designed with some of Australia’s leading seed harvesting, seed breeding, seed trialling and seed supply organisations. The platform includes alignment with industry codes of conduct, third-party certification for quality, on-farm management and through-chain data sharing to confirm harvest locations and specifics to allow for application compliance.
A traceability and sustainability data capture and management platform co-designed for Australian seafood. Multi-stage information capture and presentation to maintain integrity on product, instant product location finder and food safety and recall management (sub 5 seconds V's tradition no model of 8 hours to multiple days). Developed in partnership with industry and a leading supermarket.